Ugh School

Hey. I am back. I was at band camp and then I just didnt feel like posting so that is why there were no updates. I have however been knitting and reading blogs. I finished the first Gentleman Sock and have started on the second to avoid SSS. I have stalled on it because I have started this...

This is the Saturday Market Bag from Magknits. I am using Sugar and Cream which is one of the

recommended substitutes. I have gotten farther than the picture shows and have finished one side of the body of the bag.

I am also proud to say that I got some more Collinette Jitterbug sock yarn. I got it at my local yarn store. I think I am developing an obbsesion.

My dad also finished the scarf he was working on. I will post pics soon because blogger isnt letting me right now. He is very happy with it and has worn it to work and gotten many compliments. We blocked it yesterday and it doesnt roll as much but it still rolls. It is knit mostly with a 4 stitch stockinette center flanked by 3 garter stitches on either side. Does anyone have any tips for getting it to stop rolling as much.

I have also been distracted by an Air Hockey table that Santa gave us for Christmas. I'm not very good at Air Hockey but I love playing it so I am very happy. Again I will post pics soon.


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