... a little early.
I have finally decided to start reorganizing my yarn stash at my dad's house. I had previously kept my yarn in a large box:
This of course caused some "minor" tangling:
Needles to say, I had a lot of work to do on that. By the end of this morning, I had gotten this tangled mess so that all of the yarns except one were wound into neat little balls. The last type of yarn will be untangled soon.
This whole cleaning bit was inspired by my desire to start on my Christmas gift knitting. I was trying to find the right yarn for a project but was unable to as all my yarn was tangled. Hence the cleaning.
After that, I decided to start Sheldon which will be a gift for my little cousin(who happens to be the cutest little kid ever). I have begun to knit it in Peaches and Cream cotton yarn in green and blue.
I am having some problems with the pattern. Not errors, per se, but just some frustration. It is really awkward to knit the cotton yarn on size 3 needles. I like the gauge it gives me but I hate doing the increases and decreases. I just keep thinking about how nice and cute it will look when I am done. I have already gotten through the tail, body, and neck. Hopefully tomorrow I will finish the head although I have a lot of homework.
On the sock: I was up to the heel by the time I was leaving my grandparents house to get to the airport so I could go home. I was unable to print out the instructions for the short-row heel before we left. I was also not really happy with how the foot was going. I ended doing a lot of increases and decreases to make it fit which sort of warped it. So, when I got to the airport about an hour and half early, I decided to rip the sock out all the way to the toe.
By the time I got off the plane I had done this much:
I probably could have done more but I was sort of knitted out. My hands aren't used to such small needles and tight gauge. I will be working this in between Christmas gifts and school(which is kicking my ass right now).
And now, I will be reviewing my artist of the day. Today's musical artist happens to be: Movits! Movits! is a band is a swedish band that sort of combines rock, SKA, and jazz. They have one album out entitled Appelknyckarjazz(and don't ask me to say that). It is really fun to listen to, great dance music. They're most famous song is Fel Del Av Garden. Check out the music video on youtube.
Alright, that's about it. Off I go!