Washington DC!!!

Hey! I am in washington dc for a impeach Bush protest. Now for anyone who reads my blog who is a Republican, no hard feelings. I am not against any political party i just dont agree with George W. Bush.

Anyways youre probably wondering what knitting I brought. Now I have 4 main Wips. The Nantucket Jacket, The Print O Wave Stole, Clapotis, and Cable Net (thats right! I finished the Raindrop Lace Socks! I love them!). But all of them except Cable Net are on metal needles and I didnt want to take the chance on the airplane. So here I am with Cable Net.

Cable Net is a very fun pattern but also complicated enough so I can't read and knit at the same time. I also have to read the pattern all the time. I think that when we go back to LA this will be put on the backburner and only knit at home when everyone is just sitting around talking. For this weekend I will just have to deal.

If anyone knows of good yarn shops here please tell me. We are staying in a @#%$&^ hotel in Foggy Bottom but are capable of taking the metro. Also if you live near hear I would love to meet new knitters.


Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. My bogus excuse is that school started but really I just haven't felt like it. Needless to say I have been knitting. I started and finished some Broadripple socks for my mom. They fit her perfectly and she loves them. I don't have pics of her wearing them because it is way too hot here to wear handknit socks. BTW: the Broadripple socks pattern is a great pattern and I have knit these socks 3 times already!

I also started Tubey from knitty.com. i have finished the sleeves and must say, I love this pattern. The construction is so unique and the yarn is so soft. I will post more in a later entry.

And finally I have knit one sock in the Raindrop lace pattern from Fiber Trends. I am aslo working the cuff on the second sock. The four row raindrop pattern is easy to memorize and knit, and looks great. At first I was a little disapointed because the lace was hard to see but as I knit on the pattern began to emerge. It looks great on the feet. BTW: These socks fit me perfectly and I'm a size 8 shoe, but the lace stretches so it can fit more sizes.

Here are my goals for September:

1. Finish the knitting of Tubey.
2. Finish Raindrop lace socks.
3. Start and maybe finish leaf lace socks from fiber trends.
4. Think about christmas gift ideas.

It's not to much to do so hopefully I'll finish everything on my list. Althought I am eyeing some Knitty Shrugs...